Horsemanship Fundamentals
Do you want to spend time with horses?
Do you want to build your confidence with horses?
Do you want to learn the equine language?
Do you want to get over a fear of horses?
If your answer to any of these questions is “yes,” then Horsemanship Fundamentals is right for you!
Horsemanship Fundamentals is open to teens, adults, seniors, veterans, ALL are welcome!
Horsemanship Fundamentals is a 1.5 hour class where you will learn about and participate in non-mounted equine activities.
These activities include grooming, hand-walking, general care, and nonverbal communication.

Please Register Below
Price: $68 Each
Mondays & Wednesdays, 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Monday, December 5th
Wednesday, December 7th
Monday, December 12th